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ICC Test Rankings

The calculations for the table are performed as follows:

    * Each team scores points based on the results of their matches.
    * Each team's rating is equal to its total points scored divided by the total matches and series played. (A series must include at least two Tests).
    * A series only counts if played in the last three years.
    * Series played in the first two years of the three-year limit count half; essentially, recent matches are given more weight.
    * To determine a team's rating after a particular series:
          o Find the series result
                + Award 1 point to a team for each win
                + Award 1/2 point to a team for each draw
                + Award 1 bonus point to the team winning the series
                + Award 1/2 bonus point to each team if the series is drawn
          o Convert the series result to actual ratings points
                + If the gap between the ratings of the two teams at the commencement of the series is less than 40 points, then the ratings points for each team equals:
                      # (The team's own series result) multiplied by (50 points MORE than the opponent's rating) PLUS
                      # (The opponent's series result) multiplied by (50 points LESS than the opponent's rating)
                + If the gap between the ratings of the two teams at the commencement of the series is more than or equal to 40 points, then the ratings points for the stronger team equals:
                      # (The team's own series result) multiplied by (10 points MORE than the team's own rating) PLUS
                      # (The opponent's series result) multiplied by (90 points LESS than the team's own rating)
                + If the gap between the ratings of the two teams at the commencement of the series is more than or equal to 40 points, then the ratings points for the weaker team equals:
                      # (The team's own series result) multiplied by (90 points MORE than the team's own rating) PLUS
                      # (The opponent's series result) multiplied by (10 points LESS than the team's own rating)
          o Add the ratings points scored by the team to the total ratings points already scored (in previous matches, as reflected by the Table)
          o Update the number of matches played by the team through adding one more than the number of games in the series (a two Test match series will result in the match count getting incremented by three)
          o Divide the new rating points with the updated number of matches to get the final rating.

Rank Team Matches Points Rating
1  India 42 5357 128
2  South Africa 36 4228 117
3  England 45 5165 115
4  Sri Lanka 27 2951 109
5  Australia 43 4583 107
6  Pakistan 26 2275 88
7  West Indies 25 2128 85
8  New Zealand 29 2318 80
9  Bangladesh 19 131 7